Friday, December 13, 2013


Momento Sketches:

Masked Identity Sketches:

Gregor's Room Sketches:

Invented Paper Sculpture Sketches:

Soap Sculpture/Transformation Sketches:

Elements/Principles Sketches:

Paper Stack Sketches:

Gregor's Room

In Process:

Final Pictures:

Metamorphosis Vocabulary
  • Admonitions: Counsel, advice, or caution.
  • Amelioration: The act of improving something or making something healed/better.
  • Draught: The act or process of drawing.
  • Entreaty: Earnest request or petition.
  • Superfluous: exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
  • Scrupulous: having moral integrity acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper

Personal Response

Gregor’s discovery that he has become a giant insect, sets the tone for the rest of the story. When Gregor first recognizes his transformation, he doesn’t appear significantly bothered by it, and treats it almost like any other day. Throughout the story Gregor becomes more and more isolated and more and more bug-like. He becomes a hassle for his family and they begin to reject him, especially Grete who was Gregor's only compassion when he first transformed. For me the story was strange. I envisioned a decrepit Gregor amongst a dark dust filled room. Gregor's transformation into a bug left him alone and to me it seemed like he died from loneliness. No one loved him anymore and it killed

Thursday, December 12, 2013

3-D to 2-D

For this project I used my invented paper sculpture and collaged it into a underwater picture, manipulated the images, and here are the two resulting photographs:

Original Collage Unedited:


For my momento piece I chose to represent the memory of me getting attacked by a dog when I was three years old. The attack tore the right side of my cheek and upper lip which required over 150 stitches and emergency plastic surgery to fix my face. Today I am left with only a small visible scar. I chose this memory because it is definitely a part of who I am. Instead of focusing on the negative and gruesome aspects of my attack, I chose to represent it as something of beauty because I actually like my scar and think it gives me character. I also don't look back and picture an awful experience because I love dogs and being attacked by one has never changed that. I used leftover fabric from a ripped dress I had; which is significant because the dress was broken but I was able to repurpose it and make it into something new. I cut it into circles and dipped the pieces into melted paraffin wax in several layers, which built a skin like appearance on the fabric. As the pieces hardened I used my hands and a bowl to shape them into slightly rounded circles. I glued them together, and decided to stitch the piece to represent the stitches. I chose silver thread so it would not stand out too much from the white and gray patterned fabric. I wanted the piece to be subtle and detailed; dainty. The cut out holes represent the indented scar. Overall I like the form of my piece as well as its visual impact and weight.
Some In Process Pictures:

Final Pictures:


Personal response to Inventory/The Tokens by Christopher Turner:

On Longing Notes: 
  • The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale.
  • Capacity of objects serve as traces of authentic experiences. 
  • The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three-dimensional into the miniature... that which can be enveloped by the body.
  • Nostalgia cannot be sustained without loss.
  • To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and a trophy.